Monday, March 28, 2016

Our Group's MIssion

I hate writing these types of posts, but unfortunately it has to be done in order to distance our group from some erroneous information that is floating around out in cyberspace and through the rumor mills. The rumors and erroneous information out there involves that of being close minded and discriminating. Here is where the group stands on that:

While the members of Ohio Paranormal Society (OPS) have their own views on thing such as politics, religion, and hot button topics including the gay rights movement; the group strives to be an open and transparent group where people of all faiths and walks of life are welcome with open arms. We strive to create an organization that is all inclusive for anyone to get into provided they meet the membership requirements. Our organization believes that through diversity and collaborative team work; that we can provide help to those who are having paranormal issues. Our group welcomes all peoples no matter what their backgrounds may be. Only through a diverse team, can we advance the field of Paranormal Research.

If you have any questions, please let us know so we can clear up any issues that you may have. As always Happy Haunting.

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