Monday, March 30, 2015

Memberhips Information

Greetings and Welcome. We would like to take a few moments and explain how the membership process works just in case you happen to be interested. Below is a step by step process:

1. The potential member will fill out a membership application, sign and date it.
2. The potential member will submit the application to Ohio Paranormal Society for review..
3. Once the completed application is received and filled out completely, it will be reviewed by the group.
4. Upon completion of the review, the background check process will commence.
5. After the background process is complete, the application will be granted approval provided steps 3 and
    4 are completed successfully.
6. The New Member is notified of the approval of the application via email.

Membership Dues:

The Ohio Paranormal Society has two different ways to handle membership dues. You can either make a monthly payment of $10.00 or an annual membership payment of $100.00. We have the ability to take a debit/credit card as a form of payment or cash. The payment processing is handled through paypal and is covered by their policies as well.

Membership Withdraw:

If for some reason you wish to withdraw from the group and you have paid your membership dues, you may be entitled to a refund of any unearned dues:

For Example:

If you pay a monthly fee of $10.00 and decide that you do not want to be involved at the 3rd week, then you will be entitled a refund of $5.00 ($2.50x2 weeks of membership minus the total paid).

For those who pay the annual membership fee of $100.00 and you decide to leave after the first month, you may be entitled to a refund of  $91.67. It breaks down to an average of $8.33 per month.

Membership Dues Purpose:

The reason we are asking for membership dues is for the following:

1. To cover the cost of admission to various places we investigate and visit.
2. To help provide for any new equipment that the group may wish to purchase.
3. To help cover the costs of meetings/special events.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

Friday, March 27, 2015

Bio Introduction-Anthony Ingersoll

By now I am sure you have read alot of what our group is and what it does, but we haven't included any bios for the founders. So with that being said, I am starting the Bio for myself. My wife will add hers on here as well as time permits.

My name is Anthony Ingersoll. I am one of the founders of Ohio Paranormal Society. My wife and I formed the group with the intent to help people deal with things that cannot be explained by physical means. We have always had an interest in the Paranormal for as long as we can remember. We each have our own personal stories that I am sure will be shared in due time. But as for me, I was born in a town named Washington Court House, Ohio. It is situated in Fayette County roughly about an hour or so to the south of here. I moved to North Carolina when I was four. It was there that I had my first encounter of what I know is Paranormal, but I will elaborate on that in a future post.

I come from a really religious background. So you can imagine what the reaction was when they all found out that we are doing the investigations for people. I have two cats. My youngest is a male and he is 2 years old will be 3 in May. My oldest is a female and she is 9 years old and she definitely fits the attitude of someone who has servants. Afterall there are times that we feel that way with those two.

When I am not out doing investigations, I like to go shooting at the range and read a good book every now and then. I also work on computers and do some webdesign in the process. But I would say that the one thing that I get the most enjoyment is taking road trips with the missus. After all that is how we found out about Corydon, IN (see related post).

My wife and I were married in 2011. We have lived in Wilmington, GrovePort and now we reside on the West Side of Columbus where we hope to raise our children when we are blessed with them.

As for my religious thoughts and beliefs: I know there is a higher power and that all this creation did not happen by a random convergence of particles and atoms. It is too complex for that to happen, so there has to be a grand design in place. I am well versed in the Roman Ritual of Exorcism and I have an exorcism kit
in my tool bag just in case it would be needed. After all it is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I try to be tolerant of all faiths and denominations. Only then we will be able to learn from each other.

I think that about sums it up. If you have any questions, please email me at

Have a blessed day and as always Happy Hunting!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Residential Cases vs Public Cases

For our organization, we classify our case load into two major categories. The first one is Residential Cases and the second one is Public Cases. We are going to differentiate between the two and the differing requirements for each.

Residential Cases

These cases always take priority over the Public Events. The reason being is that there could be iminent physical danger to the residents of the property. As such, there are a few things to keep in mind when you go on a residential case with our group and they are:

1.  Always treat the client with the utmost respect and dignity.
2.  Listen with compassion and interest.
3.  All Residential Cases are confidential and classified unless stated otherwise.
4.  Be observant of the individuals and surrounding area.
5.  Be professional.

Above all else, be friendly and courteous and conduct yourself as you would want to be treated.

Public Cases

These cases are where we can be a little more relaxed in how we do things. These places are generally open to the public and in some cases an admission charge is required. As for the admission charge, we the group does not get any kickback from that. The admission charges are set by the places that we go to. So with that in mind, here are the general expectations:

1.  Be professional
2.  Follow the guidelines of the place we are going to.
3.  Be mindful of others who may be there as well.

As always, remember you are not only representing our group, but the paranormal field as a whole.

Happy Hunting:

Anthony Ingersoll

Monday, March 23, 2015

Voodoo/Hoodoo Dolls

How many of you have a Voodoo Doll in your house? Have you ever touched one and felt strange or a little "off"? How do you get rid of one? These were all questions that we were faced with not too long ago and here is what we have come to realize:

For those of you who use POPPETS; you are using a "brand" of a voodoo doll. Even though these may be mass produced; they nonetheless can still have spirits attached to them with any specific intent that the person who is working the POPPET has. The intent can be good or bad. Also if the incantations and spells are not followed through to the fullest letter of the law then it could backfire on you and whomever should come into contact with this item could have issues as well. So here are a few things to remember:

1. If you are using a doll to accomplish a particular purpose; always follow through with the instructions. If it says burn it, then burn it. If it says bury it then bury it.

If you have come across a doll like we did, and it causes issues, then here is what you should do:

1. Find a wooden box that has not been stained or painted.
2. Gather two pieces of black cloth. One piece should be large enough for the doll and the other should be large enough for the box.
3. Gather lavender, oil, holy water, black and white candles, white sage and a protection symbol (the symbol may be hand draw.
4. Open the box and sprinkle Lavender and White Sage inside it.
5. After you have completed step four you should now put the black cloth for the doll inside the box.
6. Once the cloth is inside the box, then you will need to sprinkle Lavender and White Sage inside the black cloth.
7. Once step six is complete, you are now ready to put the doll inside the black cloth.
8. You will need to sprinkle white sage, lavender, and holy water on the doll
9. Cover the doll with the black cloth to where it cannot be seen.
10. Close the lid of the box.
11. Make sure that the lid is closed tightly.
12. After you have completed the above steps, you will need to seal the box with the black and white candles.
13. After step 12 is complete, you will need to put your symbol of protection on the box (this symbol can be drawn out by hand if you wish).
14. After your symbol is in place, you will need to anoint the box with the oil that you have used on the doll.
15. This should effectively bind the doll to the box.
16. Decide on what you want to do with the doll. Either keep it or bury it. If you do not want to do either one of those, we will take it off your hands.

In regards to step 16 you may want to contact us at The only thing we ask is that you give us all known facts about your individual doll. There is no fees or charges to dispose of the item in question. We have had some experience in this area.

Corydon, IN

Ohio Paranormal Society has been far west as Corydon, In and as far east as Gettysburg, PA. But this particular report/blog is dealing with our encounters at Corydon IN. Before we get into the accounts there, lets take a few moments to review the history of the area and then you may understand what is going on and why:

Corydon was the first Capital that was set in Indiana. This town is located in the southern most part of the state nearly 25 minutes from Louisville. It is roughly 4 hours from Columbus Ohio. The town is situated near the Ohio River. As you may be aware, the river was a major trade route for moving things up and down the Missippi and across the state of Ohio from Cleveland. However there was a canal that fed into the River that stretched from Northern Ohio. However, during the history, the town had several lynchings and one legal execution that we are aware of. This is also a site of a little known battlefield of the Civil War. It was here that Gen. John Hunt Morgan (CSA) crossed over into the north to cause panic while he was raiding the state of Indiana and Ohio. There were an estimated 8 casualties of this conflict although record keeping was not at its best.

Lets fast forward about 100 years to the Civil Rights Era. There was a lot of White Supremacy activity in the area which may have contributed to the several lynchings that have taken place there. There was also a lot of "secret" places that lynchings took place out of the view of the general public.

One other major thing to note which will lead directly into this particular account is that there was a fire that broke out in town in the 1950s. This fire consumed some buildings but damaged most of them. It is safe to assume that this was also a contributing factor of what we are about to share with you.

Begin Paranormal Account:

My wife and I had went to Evansville, IN to pick up some Civil War Supplies. It was on our way back that we had to stop for the usual things (gas, and snacks). She decided that she wanted to stop at some antique shops in the town. After some discussion, it was decided that we would stop and see what we could find.

We stopped at a shop that was actually in the process of closing their doors. It was a nice and sunny day when we were fortunate to run into the shop owner at the time. After a lengthy discussion, we got our voice recorder and camera out to take some pictures. We were surprised at what we found just by doing that. So we concluded that there was enough evidence to warrant a full investigation. So we came back a short time later.

We had come back with a full compliment of equipment for the investigation. This was our one and only opportunity since they were going to turn in the keys the following day. There is a lot of evidence to be looked at.

If you would like more information on this case, please email us at and we will try to answer some of your questions.


We all have heard about movies and such with items/antiques that are allegedly posessed or has a spirit attached to them for some reason or another. Perhaps you have something in your house that makes you feel uneasy at times but you do not know much about this item or where it come from. Have you ever thought that a spirit could be attached to the item for some reason.

Perhaps you are a collector of Native American artifacts or military history. Given that these items have been used in actual events of time; do you think it is possible that psychic energy could be attached to it? I say this to make the following point; we are going to share an experience that has happened recently with us:

Some of our members went to a small town in Ohio with the intent to do some antiquing and leisure activities. As the case turned out; they bought a specific item that appears to have come from the South. This particular item was hand made with very little to give concerning its origin or purpose. However, through some research and consultation of a few reliable sources, we determined that this item had a spirit or spirits attached to it. Now, here is the question that many of you may be asking; Are the spirits good or bad?. We believe that at one time the spirits were good or the intent of the item was for good purposes; however something along the lines of time have changed that. Now we are not saying that we have a demonic entity in our midst but we are saying that it is interesting and more weird than usual. We knew that in our own line of work that we would have things happen that were not explainable in accordance with science; so the fact that we have strange events happen does not bother us.

However, we found that this item was a conduit that increased activity that has been going on. But at this point, we were not alarmed at what was going on. So we conducted an investigation with this object in the same room, and the pictures we caught was what had alarmed us. After much time and discussion, we decided that the best thing to do was to seal this item in a box with the appropriate binding ritual until we formally decide what it is that we are going to do with the item.