Monday, March 23, 2015

Corydon, IN

Ohio Paranormal Society has been far west as Corydon, In and as far east as Gettysburg, PA. But this particular report/blog is dealing with our encounters at Corydon IN. Before we get into the accounts there, lets take a few moments to review the history of the area and then you may understand what is going on and why:

Corydon was the first Capital that was set in Indiana. This town is located in the southern most part of the state nearly 25 minutes from Louisville. It is roughly 4 hours from Columbus Ohio. The town is situated near the Ohio River. As you may be aware, the river was a major trade route for moving things up and down the Missippi and across the state of Ohio from Cleveland. However there was a canal that fed into the River that stretched from Northern Ohio. However, during the history, the town had several lynchings and one legal execution that we are aware of. This is also a site of a little known battlefield of the Civil War. It was here that Gen. John Hunt Morgan (CSA) crossed over into the north to cause panic while he was raiding the state of Indiana and Ohio. There were an estimated 8 casualties of this conflict although record keeping was not at its best.

Lets fast forward about 100 years to the Civil Rights Era. There was a lot of White Supremacy activity in the area which may have contributed to the several lynchings that have taken place there. There was also a lot of "secret" places that lynchings took place out of the view of the general public.

One other major thing to note which will lead directly into this particular account is that there was a fire that broke out in town in the 1950s. This fire consumed some buildings but damaged most of them. It is safe to assume that this was also a contributing factor of what we are about to share with you.

Begin Paranormal Account:

My wife and I had went to Evansville, IN to pick up some Civil War Supplies. It was on our way back that we had to stop for the usual things (gas, and snacks). She decided that she wanted to stop at some antique shops in the town. After some discussion, it was decided that we would stop and see what we could find.

We stopped at a shop that was actually in the process of closing their doors. It was a nice and sunny day when we were fortunate to run into the shop owner at the time. After a lengthy discussion, we got our voice recorder and camera out to take some pictures. We were surprised at what we found just by doing that. So we concluded that there was enough evidence to warrant a full investigation. So we came back a short time later.

We had come back with a full compliment of equipment for the investigation. This was our one and only opportunity since they were going to turn in the keys the following day. There is a lot of evidence to be looked at.

If you would like more information on this case, please email us at and we will try to answer some of your questions.

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