Monday, March 23, 2015


We all have heard about movies and such with items/antiques that are allegedly posessed or has a spirit attached to them for some reason or another. Perhaps you have something in your house that makes you feel uneasy at times but you do not know much about this item or where it come from. Have you ever thought that a spirit could be attached to the item for some reason.

Perhaps you are a collector of Native American artifacts or military history. Given that these items have been used in actual events of time; do you think it is possible that psychic energy could be attached to it? I say this to make the following point; we are going to share an experience that has happened recently with us:

Some of our members went to a small town in Ohio with the intent to do some antiquing and leisure activities. As the case turned out; they bought a specific item that appears to have come from the South. This particular item was hand made with very little to give concerning its origin or purpose. However, through some research and consultation of a few reliable sources, we determined that this item had a spirit or spirits attached to it. Now, here is the question that many of you may be asking; Are the spirits good or bad?. We believe that at one time the spirits were good or the intent of the item was for good purposes; however something along the lines of time have changed that. Now we are not saying that we have a demonic entity in our midst but we are saying that it is interesting and more weird than usual. We knew that in our own line of work that we would have things happen that were not explainable in accordance with science; so the fact that we have strange events happen does not bother us.

However, we found that this item was a conduit that increased activity that has been going on. But at this point, we were not alarmed at what was going on. So we conducted an investigation with this object in the same room, and the pictures we caught was what had alarmed us. After much time and discussion, we decided that the best thing to do was to seal this item in a box with the appropriate binding ritual until we formally decide what it is that we are going to do with the item.

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