Friday, March 27, 2015

Bio Introduction-Anthony Ingersoll

By now I am sure you have read alot of what our group is and what it does, but we haven't included any bios for the founders. So with that being said, I am starting the Bio for myself. My wife will add hers on here as well as time permits.

My name is Anthony Ingersoll. I am one of the founders of Ohio Paranormal Society. My wife and I formed the group with the intent to help people deal with things that cannot be explained by physical means. We have always had an interest in the Paranormal for as long as we can remember. We each have our own personal stories that I am sure will be shared in due time. But as for me, I was born in a town named Washington Court House, Ohio. It is situated in Fayette County roughly about an hour or so to the south of here. I moved to North Carolina when I was four. It was there that I had my first encounter of what I know is Paranormal, but I will elaborate on that in a future post.

I come from a really religious background. So you can imagine what the reaction was when they all found out that we are doing the investigations for people. I have two cats. My youngest is a male and he is 2 years old will be 3 in May. My oldest is a female and she is 9 years old and she definitely fits the attitude of someone who has servants. Afterall there are times that we feel that way with those two.

When I am not out doing investigations, I like to go shooting at the range and read a good book every now and then. I also work on computers and do some webdesign in the process. But I would say that the one thing that I get the most enjoyment is taking road trips with the missus. After all that is how we found out about Corydon, IN (see related post).

My wife and I were married in 2011. We have lived in Wilmington, GrovePort and now we reside on the West Side of Columbus where we hope to raise our children when we are blessed with them.

As for my religious thoughts and beliefs: I know there is a higher power and that all this creation did not happen by a random convergence of particles and atoms. It is too complex for that to happen, so there has to be a grand design in place. I am well versed in the Roman Ritual of Exorcism and I have an exorcism kit
in my tool bag just in case it would be needed. After all it is better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I try to be tolerant of all faiths and denominations. Only then we will be able to learn from each other.

I think that about sums it up. If you have any questions, please email me at

Have a blessed day and as always Happy Hunting!!!

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