Monday, March 30, 2015

Memberhips Information

Greetings and Welcome. We would like to take a few moments and explain how the membership process works just in case you happen to be interested. Below is a step by step process:

1. The potential member will fill out a membership application, sign and date it.
2. The potential member will submit the application to Ohio Paranormal Society for review..
3. Once the completed application is received and filled out completely, it will be reviewed by the group.
4. Upon completion of the review, the background check process will commence.
5. After the background process is complete, the application will be granted approval provided steps 3 and
    4 are completed successfully.
6. The New Member is notified of the approval of the application via email.

Membership Dues:

The Ohio Paranormal Society has two different ways to handle membership dues. You can either make a monthly payment of $10.00 or an annual membership payment of $100.00. We have the ability to take a debit/credit card as a form of payment or cash. The payment processing is handled through paypal and is covered by their policies as well.

Membership Withdraw:

If for some reason you wish to withdraw from the group and you have paid your membership dues, you may be entitled to a refund of any unearned dues:

For Example:

If you pay a monthly fee of $10.00 and decide that you do not want to be involved at the 3rd week, then you will be entitled a refund of $5.00 ($2.50x2 weeks of membership minus the total paid).

For those who pay the annual membership fee of $100.00 and you decide to leave after the first month, you may be entitled to a refund of  $91.67. It breaks down to an average of $8.33 per month.

Membership Dues Purpose:

The reason we are asking for membership dues is for the following:

1. To cover the cost of admission to various places we investigate and visit.
2. To help provide for any new equipment that the group may wish to purchase.
3. To help cover the costs of meetings/special events.

If you have any questions, please let us know.

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