Monday, March 23, 2015

Voodoo/Hoodoo Dolls

How many of you have a Voodoo Doll in your house? Have you ever touched one and felt strange or a little "off"? How do you get rid of one? These were all questions that we were faced with not too long ago and here is what we have come to realize:

For those of you who use POPPETS; you are using a "brand" of a voodoo doll. Even though these may be mass produced; they nonetheless can still have spirits attached to them with any specific intent that the person who is working the POPPET has. The intent can be good or bad. Also if the incantations and spells are not followed through to the fullest letter of the law then it could backfire on you and whomever should come into contact with this item could have issues as well. So here are a few things to remember:

1. If you are using a doll to accomplish a particular purpose; always follow through with the instructions. If it says burn it, then burn it. If it says bury it then bury it.

If you have come across a doll like we did, and it causes issues, then here is what you should do:

1. Find a wooden box that has not been stained or painted.
2. Gather two pieces of black cloth. One piece should be large enough for the doll and the other should be large enough for the box.
3. Gather lavender, oil, holy water, black and white candles, white sage and a protection symbol (the symbol may be hand draw.
4. Open the box and sprinkle Lavender and White Sage inside it.
5. After you have completed step four you should now put the black cloth for the doll inside the box.
6. Once the cloth is inside the box, then you will need to sprinkle Lavender and White Sage inside the black cloth.
7. Once step six is complete, you are now ready to put the doll inside the black cloth.
8. You will need to sprinkle white sage, lavender, and holy water on the doll
9. Cover the doll with the black cloth to where it cannot be seen.
10. Close the lid of the box.
11. Make sure that the lid is closed tightly.
12. After you have completed the above steps, you will need to seal the box with the black and white candles.
13. After step 12 is complete, you will need to put your symbol of protection on the box (this symbol can be drawn out by hand if you wish).
14. After your symbol is in place, you will need to anoint the box with the oil that you have used on the doll.
15. This should effectively bind the doll to the box.
16. Decide on what you want to do with the doll. Either keep it or bury it. If you do not want to do either one of those, we will take it off your hands.

In regards to step 16 you may want to contact us at The only thing we ask is that you give us all known facts about your individual doll. There is no fees or charges to dispose of the item in question. We have had some experience in this area.

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