Thursday, March 26, 2015

Residential Cases vs Public Cases

For our organization, we classify our case load into two major categories. The first one is Residential Cases and the second one is Public Cases. We are going to differentiate between the two and the differing requirements for each.

Residential Cases

These cases always take priority over the Public Events. The reason being is that there could be iminent physical danger to the residents of the property. As such, there are a few things to keep in mind when you go on a residential case with our group and they are:

1.  Always treat the client with the utmost respect and dignity.
2.  Listen with compassion and interest.
3.  All Residential Cases are confidential and classified unless stated otherwise.
4.  Be observant of the individuals and surrounding area.
5.  Be professional.

Above all else, be friendly and courteous and conduct yourself as you would want to be treated.

Public Cases

These cases are where we can be a little more relaxed in how we do things. These places are generally open to the public and in some cases an admission charge is required. As for the admission charge, we the group does not get any kickback from that. The admission charges are set by the places that we go to. So with that in mind, here are the general expectations:

1.  Be professional
2.  Follow the guidelines of the place we are going to.
3.  Be mindful of others who may be there as well.

As always, remember you are not only representing our group, but the paranormal field as a whole.

Happy Hunting:

Anthony Ingersoll

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